Centro de Informação de Biotecnologia (CIB) - Portugal
FLAD – Fundação para o Desenvolvimento Luso-Americano / 15h - Lisbon, Portugal
Palestra “A importância do ambiente regulatório para a adoção da biotecnologia moderna: o exemplo Brasileiro” e Apresentação de Livro “Guia para a Avaliação do Risco Ambiental de Organismos Geneticamente Modificados”
The congress will be an excellent opportunity for research organizations and industry to report and discuss alternative sources of natural rubber, with themes including germplasm collection, breeding, biochemistry and genetics of rubber biosynthesis, agronomy, processin...
The Agenda of the Conference foresees two sessions, which will shed light onto the most anticipated topics in the field of Intellectual Property Protection for the innovation-based horticultural businesses.
International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV)
Naktuinbouw - Wageningen, Netherlands
The course aims at facilitating the introduction and practical implementation of Plant Breeders' Rights (Plant Variety Protection) in countries where legislation on this matter is being developed or has recently been passed.
The course presents the scientific background for seed production, seed quality control and seed treatments. It also provides an overview of the latest new developments in seed research and seed handling.
EUCARPIA - European Association for Research on Plant Breeding
Hungarian Academy of Sciences - Budapest, Hungary
Plant breeding in Europe and future challenges; The (integrated) role of PBR and IP in future varieties; Gene bank collections and their contribution to new germplasm development; Genomic exploration of crop diversity; Whole genome sequencing and its potential for plant...
Will provide the participants with: (a) an understanding of the basics of rice production in Asia; (b) familiarity with the germplasm collection at IRRI and current issues related to germplasm exchange and intellectual property rights; (c) an appreciation of the researc...
University of California Davis, Buehler Alumni and Visitors Center (5:00 to 7:30 pm) - Davis, CA, United States
Monthly networking event with featured speaker Dr. Luca Comai, Professor, UC Davis Genome Center, Department of Plant Biology, College of Biological Sciences
University of California Davis, Buehler Alumni and Visitors Center (5:00 to 7:30 pm) - Davis, CA, United States
Monthly networking event with featured speaker Dr. Roberta Cook, UC Cooperative Extension Specialist and Lecturer, Food Distribution, Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Marketing
801 R Street, Suite 201 - Fresno, CA, United States
An opportunity to learn about the basics of intellectual property rights (IPR) protection and enforcement and U.S. government resources available to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) protect and enforce their IPR at home and abroad.
Peterborough Arena, East of England Showground - Peterborough, United Kingdom
Latest technical developments from HGCA research including: First analysis of this year's independent fungicide performance trials; Latest thinking on Fusarium mycotoxins; New information on saddle gall midge; Understanding thresholds for pollen beetle control; Market u...
Fachleute entlang der Wertschöpfungskette beleuchten ihren Beitrag zur Qualitätsstrategie der schweizerischen Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft und diskutieren die Herausforderungen zur Umsetzung und Ausgestaltung der Swissness bei den einheimischen Getreideprodukten.
Peterborough Arena - Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
The conference programme will cover a wide selection of issues including sessions on black-grass control, SDHI fungicides, wheat diseases, weed and disease control in oilseed rape and cereal pests.
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRAE)
Institute for Integrative Plant Biology (IBIP), Campus de la Gaillarde - Montpellier, France
L'Ecole thématique présentera les démarches de recherche visant à comprendre, par des approches biophysiques, moléculaires, génomiques et de physiologie
intégrative, les processus de transport d’eau, d'ions minéraux, et de
molécules organiques au travers de...
The aim of this course is to offer training in the genetic analysis methodologies employed in WISP at the John Innes Centre. The participants will gain the skills necessary to apply these methodologies in their own research.
Informationen zu aktuellen Themen bei Spinat und Spargel, Erfahrungen mit der Unkrautregulierung im Feldgemüse in Norddeutschland, Regulierung von einwandernden Wurzelunkräutern im Gemüsebau, so wie der zukünftige Umgang mit der Energie in beheizten Gewächshäusern...
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRAE)
Montpellier SupAgro-INRA - Montpellier, France
The purpose of the « Qualiméditerranée’s meetings 2012 » is to create an opportunity for exchange and bring together industry, research laboratories and technical centers, to encourage partnerships and innovative and collaborative projects: put forward your skills...
Sheraton Grand Hotel and Spa - Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
Building on the success of our previous conferences we will once again provide a unique forum for interactions between industry, researchers and policy makers from a range of disciplines and market sectors.
Exec Exhibitions and Events Center, The East of England Showground - Peterborough, United Kingdom
UK Grain is an event focused on the needs of the serious cereals grower. The event will provide you with a strategic opportunity to consider your storage, handling, drying and marketing needs.
"GMOs in the pipeline: Looking to the next five years in the crop, forestry, livestock, aquaculture and agro-industry sectors in developing countries"
To subscribe to the conference, send an e-mail to listserv@listserv.fao.org.
Beurs-WTC Congress & Event Center - Rotterdam, Netherlands
The aim of WMF meets IUPAC is to increase awareness of human and animal health risks due to natural toxicant contamination in agricultural commodities and seafood, and of potential risk management options, technologies and strategies for minimized contamination. The eve...
Center for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG)
Barcelona, Spain
The main target of the workshop is to discuss how the recent progress in plant genome sequence will influence our understanding of plant genome architecture and evolution and how it will create new opportunities for crop improvement.
The central theme of the conference is: Research for practice: towards compliance with the ambitious aims of the National Action Plans on pesticide reduction.
Objectifs: échanger, se structurer, partager ses expériences ou ses questionnements sur les modes d'organisations collectives de gestion de la biodiversité cultivée.
Cette conférence s'adresse aux chercheurs et à tous les acteurs de la filière : riziculteurs, organisations professionnelles et leurs partenaires, entreprises de collecte, de transformation et de commercialisation, gestionnaires de territoire.
This conference will bring together scientists, consultants, designers, engineers, builders, regulators, site owners, and site users to explore phytotechnologies to address current and emerging environmental challenges.
Odeon Vienna, Vienna Agricultural Exchange - Vienna, Austria
Danube Soya as THE opportunity for a sustainable and GMO-free protein supply for Europe - Soya cultivation brings fresh impulses to agriculture, logistics and infrastructure in the Central and Eastern European (CEE) region - GMO-free production: Success in Austria pro...
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)
The University of Warwick - Warwick, United Kingdom
Recent developments in genetic modification and synthetic biology have created new microbes capable of producing a variety of economically important compounds, some of which are currently only available from natural sources. This symposium features a number of highly in...
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRAE)
Montpellier, France
The main objective of the conference is to stimulate and favour exchanges between researchers, stakeholders in the rice production chain and researchers and stakeholders.
Mts. van der Weijden-Knook, Ukerweg 20 - Emmeloord , Netherlands
Onder het genot van een uitgebreid "hapje en drankje" bent u de gehele dag tot en met de avond welkom. Er is een speciale ontvangst op de infobeurs om 10.00u, 14.00u en 18.00u.
Cereals in Practice brings variety trials and research together in one place and is aimed at farmers, agronomists, industry and scientists working with cereals. Showcases current research, SAC's wheat and barley variety and management trials and demonstrations and disp...
Die anschlieende Vortragsveranstaltung am 04. Juli widmet sich unter anderem den Pilzkrankheiten, vor allem der Fusariumproblematik im Mais. Daneben stehen aktuelle Fragestellungen zum Pflanzenschutz im Mais auf dem Programm.
Arts & Congress Center Verkatehdas - Hmeenlinna, Finland
The conference will bring together scientists and experts from all over the world to present and discuss cutting edge advances in all major areas of silage research.
Arts & Congress Center Verkatehdas - Hmeenlinna, Finland
The conference will bring together scientists and experts from all over the world to present and discuss cutting edge advances in all major areas of silage research.
Ultuna Campus of SLU, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences - Uppsala, Sweden
Crop cultivation and its impact on feeding value, hazards in connection to endogenous toxins in plants, statistical methods relevant to crop and animal experiments, mathematical models for feed evaluation, metabolic and production responses to dietary inputs, analytical...
Designed to bring investors and agriculture businesses together to find ways of bringing innovation into practice and building an agriculture sector that is efficient, sustainable, and ready to take advantage of the growth opportunity that sits on its doorstep.
The Workshop focus is on increasing scientific collaboration between European and Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) Universities/Research Institutions and Universities/National Agronomic Research Organizations (NAROs).
European Union - European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
Parma, Italy
International experts will be gathering for an open scientific debate on low dose response in toxicology and risk assessment, to discuss current challenges and to identify ways of further enhancing the process of risk assessment in the European Union.
Cereals is the leading technical event for the UK arable industry with over 64ha of stands and live demonstrations including Crop Plots, Working Cultivations, Sprays and Sprayers, Post-Harvest Technology, Business Area, Potatoes and Renewables.
Cereals is the leading technical event for the UK arable industry with over 64ha of stands and live demonstrations including Crop Plots, Working Cultivations, Sprays and Sprayers, Post-Harvest Technology, Business Area, Potatoes and Renewables.
The Lakeside Conference Centre, Sand Hutton - York, United Kingdom
International speakers will present work demonstrating the step changes that 'omics' technologies are set to deliver in their respective sectors. The event will also host a state-of-the art exhibition focussed on 'omics' technologies.
The overall theme of the symposium will be: "Evaluation of seed quality: a key step in exploiting the benefits of plant breeding and genetic conservation"
Aktuelle Zuchtziele im Mais, genetische und biologische Ressourcen im Mais, Kartierung und genetische Karten bei Mais, genomische Selektion und Vorhersagen bei Mais
Themenkomplexe: aktuelle Zuchtziele im Mais, genetische und biologische Ressourcen im Mais, Kartierung und genetische Karten bei Mais, genomische Selektion und Vorhersagen bei Mais
On the premises of the World Horticultural Expo, Floriade 2012 - Venlo, Netherlands
The aim of the meeting is to discuss and decide on proposals for changes to the ISTA International Rules of Seed Testing, and business items of the Association, with the international participation of ISTA delegates and representatives from both the seed industry and go...
AgroParisTech (Paris Institute of Technology for Life, Food and Environmental Sciences) - Paris, France
Several topics will be developped: mecanisms of plant-microbe interactions, plant defense, virulence and symbiotic processes, epidemiology of plant disease, plant pathogen detection and disease control.
'Think global. Win local' - focusing on key global issues, but also translating them into practical actions relevant wherever potatoes are produced or consumed.
Dmonstrations dynamiques, parcelles dessais, collections fourragres, le Salon de lherbe privilgie la diffusion dinformations concrtes, directement exploitables pour lleveur. Cet vnement rassemble les spcialistes nationaux la fois des fournisseurs et des o...
The aim of this international symposium is to offer a scientific platform for representatives from academia, industry, food authorities and policy, to stimulate the presentation of up-to-date research activities, to obtain information on new developments and to exchange...
The Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh - Edinburgh , United Kingdom
The past five years have seen an unprecedented revolution in the tools available to researchers in genetics and genomics. Recent advances in high-throughput analysis technologies have the potential to transform animal and plant breeding.
Inaugural conference of the UK Plant Sciences Federation. For all those interested and working in the in plant science sector e.g. cell biologists, industrialists, physiologists, ecologists, plant breeders, soil scientists and agriculturists.
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRAE)
Rome, Italy
Themes: Greening of agriculture; Climate change, what challenges for breeding and agriculture? Cropping systems of the future; Seeds and sustainable use of plant genetic resources
Reinforcing capacities to manage genetic resources conservation programmes more efficiently; understand policies and their impact at the national and institutional level; use of participatory and adaptive management approaches; apply integrated approaches towards crop i...
Babraham Research Campus - Cambridge , United Kingdom
The focus will be on analysing and annotating large volumes of data to turn it into information, and presenting that information to the end user to enable hypotheses to be made and theories proposed.
Babraham Research Campus - Cambridge , United Kingdom
This one-day symposium will hear from various experts from industry and academia on how they are applying the principles of genome content management to their own data sets. The focus will be on analysing and annotating large volumes of data to turn it into information,...
Lectures on principles of sampling, ISTA Handbook on Seed Sampling, training aspects for samplers, audit elements licensed samplers. Practical work: Sampling of cereals and other species in bags, big bags and boxes. Further species of interest asked for by participants ...
Statistics, computation and data handling, molecular genetics, population genetics, quantitative genetics, linkage analysis, genomic selection, association mapping, marker assisted selection
Meeting point for the international fresh produce convenience industry in Europe. Focuses on fresh produce products, i.e. salads and ready-to-eat products made from fresh fruit and vegetables.
Leading international meeting place of the fresh produce trade. More than 2,400 companies from across the entire fresh produce value chain will be present in a single location including global players as well as small and medium-sized suppliers from all around the wor...
Merrison Lecture Theatre, STFC Daresbury Laboratory, Daresbury Science and Innovation Campus - Warrington, United Kingdom
The workshop will look at the computational challenges in data-driven biology. It will bring together hardware experts and scientists involved in challenging data-driven disciplines.
Free event. Enrich your insights on international biotech markets, benefit from biotechnology companies testimonials, and network with experienced people and other SMEs wishing to reach new markets. pierre.pommereau@alsace-biovalley.com
Paloma Renaissance Antalya Beach Resort & SPA - Antalya, Turkey
Sharing the most recent developments and innovations in the world seed industry. Trends & strategies; Research & technology management; Regulations; Markets & marketing
TEAGASC - Irish Agriculture and Food Development Authority
Lyrath Hotel - Kilkenny, Ireland
The outlook for the dairy, beef, sheep, pigs and crops sectors in 2012 will be critical to making informed planning decisions for the short to medium term. With this in mind, the conference will include detailed financial analysis for each enterprise and there will be...
This course covers all theoretical and some practical subjects that are necessary for managing a professional breeding programme. It includes both basic and more complex breeding and selection methods. Also, new technological developments and their application in breedi...
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