Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft / Institut für Pflanzenzüchtung
Weichering, Germany
Der 7. Produkttages Spargel beschäftigt sich mit Themen rund um den Spargelanbau. Das Informationsangebot soll Hilfestellungen und damit einen guten Start für einen erfolgreichen Spargelanbau in der kommenden Saison 2014 bieten.
Joint meeting of the British Ecological Society, Biochemical Society and the Society for Experimental Biology. This conference will discuss whether the key insecticides being used in this battle have an overall negative impact on bees, and so food security.
This course covers all theoretical and some practical subjects that are necessary for managing a professional breeding programme. It includes both basic and more complex breeding and selection methods.
Will present a panorama of modelling approaches and their use for sustainable plant protection. The approaches include simple statistical models, dynamic system models, agent-based models and network models. Major emphasis will be on dynamic system models.
ENDURE - EU Network for the Durable Exploitation of Crop Protection Strategies
International School of Advanced Education - Volterra, Italy
Will present a panorama of modelling approaches and their use for sustainable plant protection. The approaches include simple statistical models, dynamic system models, agent-based models and network models. Major emphasis will be on dynamic system models.
Provides an opportunity to discuss pesticide and biopesticide application issues in an informal setting with platform and poster presentations. Key workers from research institutes, industry and regulatory authorities provide a unique mix of biological and engineering s...