Park Plaza Amsterdam Airport - Amsterdam, Netherlands
‘Greenstar Kanzi’ and other recent plant variety right cases; Essentially derived varieties post-Blancanieves; The Myriad case: patentability of isolated genes and native traits; Enforcement of IP rights for plant innovation in Bresil; Evaluation of the Community Plant ...
Wageningen Business School - Wageningen, Netherlands
By linking knowledge on developments in IPR systems with business strategies, this Masterclass is unique in its kind. It provides a learning platform that crosses the disciplines of law, business administration and plant sciences.
en la sede de Aliter: C/ Maestro Ripoll, 18 - Madrid, Spain
De 18.00 a 22.00 horas los días 7, 8, 14, y 21 de noviembre
International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)
ICRISAT Campus - Patancheru, Hyderabad, India
Major focus: analysis and the use of marker genotyping data rather than on data generation. Presentations and/or hands-on training on topics like overview of molecular marker technology especially SSRs and SNPs, experimental design and data analysis components of phenot...
International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)
Xiyuan Hotel - Nanning, Guangxi, China
Topics include: trends for maize in Asia. breeding and biotechnology for maize improvement , maize in cropping system of Asia, abiotic and biotic stresses, value-added maize, maize seed production and supply.
Public Intellectual Property Resource for Agriculture (PIPRA)
Cámara Mercantil de Productos del País, Av Gral. Rondeau 1908, Planta Baja - Montevideo, Uruguay
El seminario hará énfasis en los Recursos Genéticos, Organismos vivos y Biotecnología. Inscripciones sin cargo: hasta el 3 de octubre inclusive. Cupos limitados.
European Consortium for Organic Plant Breeding (ECO-PB)
The Organic Research Centre, Elm Farm, Hamstead Marshall - Newbury, United Kingdom
The aim of the meeting is to commonly evaluate the progress made over the last few years in seed derogation policies and practices in Europe. The central question is how can we (further) harmonize regulations on a European level and create a level playing field among (g...
CIPIAGRI is aimed at promoting an international meeting in Brazil for specialists in Intellectual Property and Agribusiness, approximating these two realities that are essential for the sustainable development of world agriculture.
The course aims at facilitating the introduction and practical implementation of Plant Breeders' Rights (Plant Variety Protection) in countries where legislation on this matter is being developed or has recently been passed.
Public Intellectual Property Resource for Agriculture (PIPRA)
Davis, CA, United States
Developed for international lawyers, technology managers and scientific professionals in the public sector or small-to-medium enterprises who want to understand successful U.S. models of intellectual property management.
Public Intellectual Property Resource for Agriculture (PIPRA)
Kenya School of Monetary Studies - Nairobi, Kenya
Focus on patents and trademarks and their use in East Africa. The expert presenters will give the audience a practical, nuts-and-bolts overview of how SMEs can best identify, protect, and monetize their intangible assets.
Kishwaukee College Conference Center - Malta, IL, United States
These two-day conferences will address a wide array of topics pertinent to crop production, pest management, and natural resources issues while providing a forum for discussion and interaction between participants and university researchers.
Presenting and discussing basic principles of quality management and it focuses on the needs of seed testing laboratories that wish to comply with the ISTA Accreditation Standard and prepare for attaining and maintaining ISTA Accreditation.
Sampling principles, testing plan design, assessment of GMO content, SeedCalc, Uncertainty. Theory of PCR methodologies; testing through-put and turnaround time, challenges specific to GMO testing. Hands-on practice of samples processing; Qualitative and qPCR testing an...
Balai Kartini Exhibition and Convention Center - Jakarta, Indonesia
Encompassing every aspect of the crop production value chain, this conference is one of the few in the world to incorporate the global picture, focusing not only on science and technology, but also on finance and investment, research and development, sustainable farming...
The aim of the CAAS conference series is to provide a forum for laying the foundations of a new principled approach to Agricultural and Animal Science.
A forum for leading international scientists and young researchers to present their latest research findings, exchange their research ideas and share their experiences in climate change and food security studies. There will be technical sessions, poster sessions, and so...
Will bring together industry leaders, investors, policy makers, scientists, researchers and other professionals working in the area of AgBio and discuss the latest scientific advances in agricultural biotechnology and future directions of the technologies.
BIO China will bring together executives from biotechnology, pharmaceutical companies and investment firms from North America, Europe and Asia to meet and explore business opportunities with China's emerging biotech sector.
Topics of interest will include: human nutrition; soil and crop management; zinc fertilizers and crop nutrition; plant physiology; plant breeding and molecular biology; and environmental issues.
University of Agriculture, Department of Crop Physiology - Faisalabad, Pakistan
Two days course on “Seed Physiology, Production and Management” followed by a one day workshop on “Seed Testing through ISTA standards” on September 29. Queries and registration: DR. Irfan Afzal,
This module will provide a deeper insight in seed priming, an important physiological enhancement method and its relation to seed germination and seed dormancy breakage. Theory and practicum will combine basic as well as some advanced technologies in seed priming.
The aim of this conference is to provide a multidisciplinary forum for exchanging innovative ideas and methods for studying the rhizosphere, understanding its complexity and further up-scaling its functioning to better evaluate its ultimate role in ecosystem processes.
Objective: to provide hands-on training and enhance the capability of rice scientists to apply molecular technologies into on-going rice breeding programs aimed at developing high yielding varieties resistant to various biotic and abiotic stresses with improved grain an...
"Barley for Business" is the theme of the 15th ABTS and this will be reflected in sessions addressing industry consolidation, privatisation of plant breeding and corporate investment in research.
“Silicon and Sustainable Agricultural Development”. A forum for scientists, colleagues, students, fertilizer producers and consumers to present their most recent findings and achievements, and to exchange experiences with international partners.
The conference will discuss topics such as Food Safety Culture, the value of third party audits, chemical hazards with stockfeed and organic vegetables, allegens, food safety in a natural disaster, hormones and beef, food safety in fishing vessels and due diligence.
Bombay Exhibition Center, NSE Complex - Mumbai, India
Latest developments in agriculture and advanced agro-technologies, especially in the fields of irrigation, water management, arid zone agriculture, intensive greenhouse cultivation, development of new seed varieties, and organic and ecologically-oriented agriculture.
Cairns Convention Center - Cairns, Queensland , Australia
Held only every four years, the World Avocado Congress presents a rare opportunity for those in the avocado industry to come together to share and learn everything there is to know about our industry.
Technical workshop for agronomists and farm advisers on variety selection and the National Variety Trials to enable them to provide the most relevant and up-to-date advice to growers. Contact or 0423 295 576
Technical workshop for agronomists and farm advisers on variety selection and the National Variety Trials to enable them to provide the most relevant and up-to-date advice to growers. Contact or 0423 295 576
Technical workshop for agronomists and farm advisers on variety selection and the National Variety Trials to enable them to provide the most relevant and up-to-date advice to growers. Contact or 0423 295 576
Bringing together experts and leading figures from the public, private and civil society sectors from across Asia around the main theme of ‘Feeding Asia in the 21st Century: Building Urban-Rural Alliances’.
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) - Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines
The course aims to develop the next generation of rice breeders adept in using modern tools for enhancing the precision and efficiency of their breeding programs.
This workshop will appeal to quality managers, laboratory managers and seed testing analysts with or without experience in quality management . This workshop aims at presenting and discussing basic principles of quality management and it focuses on the needs of seed tes...
The aim of the ICEAE conference series is to provide a forum for laying the foundations of a new principled approach to Environmental and Agriculture Engineering. To this end, the meeting aims to attract participants with different backgrounds, to foster cross-pollinati...
Will cover the integration of genetics and varietal selection, seasonal conditions and epidemiology with the use of at-sowing and foliar fungicides for the economic management of foliar diseases in wheat and barley. Info:
Will cover the integration of genetics and varietal selection, seasonal conditions and epidemiology with the use of at-sowing and foliar fungicides for the economic management of foliar diseases in wheat and barley. Info:
Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES)
Muswellbrook, NSW, Australia
ABARES conducts Regional Outlook conferences in each of the States as well as the Northern Territory each year to provide a grass-roots interaction with rural communities around its agricultural and resources commodity forecasts and other key issues affecting rural indu...
International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS)
Fukuoka, Japan
Opportunity for scientists, growers and market players from around the world to discuss and share information on genetics & breeding, cultivation, quality control and so on in bulb onion, garlic, bunching onion etc.
This 5-day workshop will help a molecular biologist to find solutions to real time problems in a lab and a bioinformatician to understand the laboratory aspects of bioinformatics.
The aim of the ICFEB conference series is to provide a forum for laying the foundations of a new principled approach to food engineering and biotechnology.
Increasing demand, industry integration, development of patent-expiring products, focus on domestic market, seed treatment, priority to environment protection, overcapacity, soaring costs
University of Adelaide, Waite Campus - Adelaide, SA, Australia
Will present, discuss and explore options of using compost and other organic soil amendments for managing and improving horticultural soils and production systems, including amenity horticulture, nurseries, and protected cropping.
It will cover the integration of genetics and varietal selection, seasonal conditions and epidemiology with the use of at-sowing and foliar fungicides for the economic management of foliar diseases in wheat and barley.
It will cover the integration of genetics and varietal selection, seasonal conditions and epidemiology with the use of at-sowing and foliar fungicides for the economic management of foliar diseases in wheat and barley.
The latest research on the bio-ecology of insect pests, host plant resistance, biological controls, pesticides, and insect management on crucifer crops.
The conference program includes oral presentations from leading Scientist in Solanaceae Genetics and Genomics and will cover all aspects of the conventional and modern resistance breeding. The conference creates a forum for exchange of scientific ideas and knowledge bet...
Focus is to enhance the participants’ ability to develop strategic solutions to augment business through a deeper understanding of research management, technology access through licensing, regulatory compliance, market access factors and business restructuring.
This 5-day workshop will help a molecular biologist to find solutions to real time problems in a lab and a bioinformatician to understand the laboratory aspects of bioinformatics.
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