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February 22-26, 2015

Plant Breeding Workshop "Latest technologies for crop improvement"

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University of Worcester

Venezia Palace Hotel - Antalya, Turkey

Participants must be early career researchers, holding a PhD (or equivalent research experience) and have no more than 10 years post-doctoral experience (equivalent to ‘Recognised Researcher’ or ‘Experienced Researcher’ categories in the EU framework for researc...

February 18-19, 2015

Ontario Fruit & Vegetable Growers Convention

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Scotiabank Convention Centre - Niagara Falls, ON, Canada

February 18-19, 2015

Food Processing Expo 2015

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California League of Food Processors (CLFP)

Sacramento Convention Center - Sacramento, CA, United States

With more than 230 exhibitors and 2000 attendees, Food Processing Expo is the largest tradeshow in California devoted exclusively to food processing. The purpose of the Expo is to bring the industry together by offering a tradeshow floor with exhibits featuring machine...

February 18-20, 2015

First International CRC 973 Symposium “Bridging Ecology and Molecular Biology: Organismic Responses to Recurring Stress”

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Freie Universität Berlin

Berlin , Germany

This symposium brings together international scientists and students of different disciplines that range from microbial and plant ecology to plant biochemistry and molecular biology of plants and microorganisms.

February 5-5, 2015

Tomato Inspiration Event

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Ellington Hotel - Berlin, Germany

February 4-6, 2015

Fruit Logística 2015

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Berlin, Germany

February 4-4, 2015

Incontro Tecnico Rivolto a Tutti i Risicoltori

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Ente Nazionale Risi

Centro Ricerche - Castello d’Agogna, Italy

February 26-26, 2015

Workshop: New perspectives on grain legume production and uses for human consumption

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Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Crafoord Hall - Alnarp, Sweden

The workshop will attempt to answer questions such as: What potential do European produced legumes for food have to supply our protein needs? And how can their consumption be promoted?

February 26-26, 2015

Workshop: New perspectives on grain legume production and uses for human consumption

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Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences - Alnarp, Sweden

February 21, 2015 - March 1, 2015

Salon international de l'agriculture de Paris 2015

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Porte de Versailles - Paris, France

February 20-20, 2015

Contribución de la mejora genética a la competitividad del sector hortofrutícola

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Fundación Cajamar

Centro de Cultura de Cajamar - Almeria, Spain

February 15-17, 2015

Agriculture and Climate Change – Adapting Crops to Increased Uncertainty

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NH Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky, Dam Square - Amsterdam, Netherlands

February 12-12, 2015

Feeding the World 2015

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Hilton Hotel - Amsterdam, Netherlands

Quality vs quantity: food and nutrition security for 9 billion

February 11-12, 2015

Sommet du Végétal

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Pôle Culturel de Marsan - Mont de Marsan, France

February 10-10, 2015

Web-Seminar: Anbau, Nutzung und Verarbeitung von Einkorn, Emmer und Dinkel

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University of Hohenheim

Online - Hohenheim, Germany

February 9-10, 2015

Oilseed Congress Europe/MENA

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Hotel Arts - Barcelona, Spain

February 3-3, 2015

Journée technique Betterave Fourragère

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Association pour le dévelopment de la betterave fourragère monogerme - ADBFM

Nouvoitou, France

February 2-4, 2015

Promotion of Public-Private Partnerships for Pre-Breeding

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Agropolis International - Montpellier, France




June 7-11, 2025
ASTA Leadership Summit
Washington, DC


October 29, 2025
ASTA Forage & Grass Seed Conference
Kansas City, MO


December 10-13, 2025
ASTA Field Crop Seed Convention
Orlando, Florida


February 15-20, 2026
ASTA Vegetable & Flower Conference
San Diego, California


November 4, 2026
ASTA Forage & Grass Seed Conference
Kansas City, MO


December 14-17, 2026
ASTA Field Crop Seed Convention
Orlando, Florida


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