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December 9-11, 2014

Curso de Capacitação de Operadores de UBS (Unidade de Beneficiamento de Sementes)

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Fundação Pró-Sementes

Etec. Prof. Dr. Antônio Eufrásio de Toledo – Rod. Raposo Tavares, Km 561 (antigo Colégio Agrícola) - Presidente Prudente, SP, Brazil

Já tradicional no setor sementeiro, o treinamento tem o objetivo de promover o aperfeiçoamento contínuo dos profissionais que atuam no setor. Informações e inscrições: (18) 3908 2065 ou sandraferreira@anprosem.com.br

December 9-9, 2014

Advances in weed management: Webinar 2 - Managing barnyard grass, the latest research

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Grains Research & Development Corporation (GRDC)

Online, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PST - Hornsby , NSW, Australia

This webinar will highlight the ecology of barnyard grass and how to use this information to assist in managing it; herbicide resistance status; and weed control tactics that are being successfully employed to manage this weed.

December 8-12, 2014

Seed Business 101 Horticultural Crops

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University of California, Davis

Davis, CA, United States

A one-week course designed to expose participants to the five functional areas of a seed company (R&D, production, operations, sales and marketing and administration). Taught by widely respected seed business executives with additional help of industry experts.

December 8-9, 2014

International Conference on Agriculture, Biology and Environmental Sciences (ICABES'14)

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IBIS Hotel Kuta-Bali - Kuta , Bali , Indonesia

Aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of Environment, Agriculture & Medical Sciences, and discuss the practical challenges encountered and the solutions...

December 5-9, 2014

Seed Business 101 Field Crops

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Seed Biotechnology Centre at UC Davis

Chicago, Illinois, United States

A one-week course designed to expose participants to the five functional areas of a seed company (R&D, production, operations, sales and marketing and administration). Taught by widely respected seed business executives with additional help of industry experts participa...

December 3-3, 2014

Curso Sobre Muestreo de Semillas

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Instituto Nacional de Semillas, Uruguay (INASE)

Sede Central de INASE - Canelones, Uruguay

Dirigido a muestreadores y técnicos en general. Costo: $3.600 Inscripciones: hasta viernes 28 de noviembre.

December 3-3, 2014

Curso sobre muestreo de semillas

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Instituto Nacional de Semillas, Uruguay (INASE)

Sede Central de INASE - Canelones, Uruguay

Inscripciones: hasta viernes 28 de noviembre.

December 2-4, 2014

Curso de Capacitação de Operadores de UBS (Unidade de Beneficiamento de Sementes)

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Fundação Pró-Sementes

Centro de Eventos do Hotel Santa Maria – Rua Harrison José Borges, 1.000 - Centro - Campo Mourão , PR, Brazil

Já tradicional no setor sementeiro, o treinamento tem o objetivo de promover o aperfeiçoamento contínuo dos profissionais que atuam no setor. Informações e inscrições: (44) 3529 1363 ou campo.mourao@fundacaoprosementes.com.br

December 2-2, 2014

Advances in weed management: Webinar 1 - Grass weed control with group A herbicides

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Grains Research & Development Corporation (GRDC)

Online, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PST - Hornsby , NSW, Australia

This webinar will highlight situations where Group A herbicides have shown to be an effective integrated weed management tactic, how to maximise performance in the field, and considerations to delay resistance to this mode of action.

November 24, 2014 - December 5, 2014

5th International Conference on Next Generation Genomics and Integrated Breeding (NGGIBCI-2015) for Crop Improvement

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International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)

ICRISAT Campus - Patancheru, Hyderabad, India

This course is part of the Critical Focus Area-Molecular Breeding of ICRISAT.

November 18-19, 2014

South Queensland, Mungbean - 2 Day Best Management Practice Training Course

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Pulse Australia

Goondiwindi , QLD, Australia

November 18-20, 2014

Curso de Capacitação de Operadores de UBS (Unidade de Beneficiamento de Sementes)

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Fundação Pró-Sementes

Fazenda Três Pinheiros – BR 020, Km 42, Núcleo Rural Taquara - Planaltina , DF, Brazil

Já tradicional no setor sementeiro, o treinamento tem o objetivo de promover o aperfeiçoamento contínuo dos profissionais que atuam no setor. Informações e inscrições: (54) 3314 8983 ou neile@fundacaoprosementes.com.br

November 17-28, 2014

11th Training Course on Next Generation Sequencing Technologies for Crop Improvement

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International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)

ICRISAT - Patancheru, Hyderabad , India

This course is part of the Critical Focus Area-Molecular Breeding of ICRISAT. ICRISAT-CEG has already trained >260 scientists by organizing 10 training courses.

November 17-20, 2014

VI Curso Teórico-Prático de Capacitação de Analistas de Sementes

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Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA)

Laboratório de Sementes da Universidade Federal de Lavras - Lavras , MG, Brazil

November 17-20, 2014

ISTA Workshop on Seed Sampling and Quality Assurance in Seed Sampling

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Workshop: Indo American Hybrid Seeds (India) Pvt., Ltd. / Theory: Hotel Chancery - Bangalore, India

The workshop will consist of lectures and practical exercises including evaluations and examinations. It will offer the opportunity for general discussion on automatic and manual seed sampling and dividing, as well as quality assurance in seed sampling and monitoring of...

November 12, 2014 - December 2, 2014

CAFT Training on Functional Genomics and Proteomics - Techniques and Tools for Crop Improvement

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Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI)

Division of Biochemistry, IARI - New Delhi , India

November 12-13, 2014

Tasmanian Pasture Seed Conference

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Country Club Casino - Launceston, Tasmania, Australia

November 10-14, 2014

61° Curso Diacom Tetrazólio e Patologia de Sementes de Soja

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Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa)

Embrapa Soja - Londrina, PR, Brazil

Objetivo: apresentar tecnologia adequada para avaliar corretamente a qualidade das sementes de soja e identificar as causas de descarte de seus lotes devido à baixa germinação no teste de laboratório.

November 10-14, 2014

ISTA Seed Health Testing Training Course

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Balai Besar PPMB-TPH, Jalan Raya Tapos - Depok, Indonesia

This workshop aim is to improve our understanding and practical ability in seed health testing based on ISTA Rules. This training course contains of Lectures and Practical work on detection of bacteria, viruses, fungi and nematodes. Classical and molecular methods will ...

November 10-13, 2014

ISTA Workshop on Seed Vigour

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Workshop: Indo American Hybrid Seeds (India) Pvt., Ltd. / Theory: Hotel Chancery - Bangalore, India

The workshop will be made up of lectures, interactive seminars and practical experience in vigour testing. It will also offer an opportunity for general discussion on seed vigour and time for participants to ask specific questions regarding vigour testing procedures.

November 10-14, 2014

Asian Seed Congress 2014

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Asia & Pacific Seed Alliance (APSA)*

Macau, China

November 10-13, 2014

8th Australasian Soilborne Diseases Symposium

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The Hobart Function and Conference Center - Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

October 29, 2014 - December 3, 2014

Plant Breeding Overview - Distance Education version

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North Carolina State University

Online - Raleigh, NC, United States

Introductory Plant Breeding course for non-majors. Emphasis is on methods of developing improved cultivars of cross-pollinated, self-pollinated, and asexually-propagated crops. Student will learn the main areas of plant breeding, including germplasm resources, male ster...

October 27-28, 2014

Curso de Cultivo Hidropônico

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Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa)

Embrapa Hortaliças - Brasília, DF, Brazil

O curso é voltado para produtores, técnicos e estudantes de ciências agrárias e apresenta os vários sistemas que podem ser utilizados a partir da escolha por essa técnica alternativa de cultivo em ambiente protegido.

October 27-28, 2014

CURSO - Interpretação da NBR ISO IEC 17025:2005

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Associação Nacional de Produtores de Sementes (ANPROSEM)

Av. da Saudade, 535 Cidade Universitária - Presidente Prudente , SP, Brazil

Fundamentos da NBR ISO IEC 17025:2005 - Requisitos gerais para a competência de laboratórios de ensaios e calibração.

October 27-29, 2014

Global Rice Market and Trade Summit

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International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)

Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Center (BITEC) - Bangkok, Thailand

The event will gather stakeholders in global rice market and trade industry including government officials and food security managers, traders, analysts, and investors. Discussions will tackle the entire rice value chain including market and trade outlook and policy upd...

October 27, 2014 - November 14, 2014

Plant Genetic Resources and Seeds

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Wageningen University & Research

MSSRF premises - Jeypore and Chennai, India

The training programme is designed for public, civil, research, education and/or development professionals who may be practitioners in a range of related development projects, or originate from policy advocacy and awareness lobbying groups. Applicants should be fluent i...

October 27, 2014 - November 1, 2014

International Rice Congress 2014 (IRC2014)

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Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Center (BITEC) - Bangkok, Thailand

October 21-23, 2014

III Curso de Produção de Hortaliças

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Comfort Inn Taguatinga - Taguatinga, Brazil

O III curso sobre Produção de Hortaliças tem como objetivo atender às demandas por informações e conhecimentos sobre novas tecnologias que possibilitem a melhoria da qualidade da produção de hortaliças com ganhos para o produtor e o consumidor.

October 8-10, 2014

II Workshop Surveillance of race Ug99 in South America and breeding wheat for resistance

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Faculty of Agronomy of Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul , Brazil

Target audience: Research Scientists and Professors in all Agronomy and Biology areas, Plant Breeders, Post-doc Scientists, undergraduate and graduate students, lab and field technicians, policymakers.

October 6-11, 2014

UC Davis European Plant Breeding Academy Class 3 - Session 4

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University of California, Davis

Enkhuizen, Netherlands

The 2013 class will maintain the core curriculum delivered in the previous classes and add modules to address the most recent development in plant breeding theory and practice, including an expanded section on molecular marker use, genome selection, non-replicated desig...

September 24, 2014 - October 27, 2014

Integrated Breeding Databases - Distance Education version

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North Carolina State University

Online - Raleigh, NC, United States

Course prepares students for commercial plant breeding in agronomy, horticulture and forestry.

September 24-26, 2014

International Symposium On Conservation And Management Of Pollinators For Sustainable Agriculture And Ecosystem Services - ISCMP2014

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NASC Auditorium, Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) - Pusa, New Delhi, India

September 23-26, 2014

XIV Curso sobre Tecnologia de Produção de Sementes de Hortaliças

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Auditório 8C - Av. Pará - Campus Umuarama da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - Uberlândia, MG, Brazil

Objetivos: Apresentar tecnologias para o aprimoramento da produção e qualidade de sementes de hortaliças, bem como discutir problemas do setor sementeiro olerícola do Brasil.

September 22-26, 2014

International Course on Seed Physiology and Technology

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Breedwise BV

Hotel de Wageningsche Berg - Wageningen, Netherlands

The course is developed for employees of seed companies, seed technology companies, plant nurseries and related institutions, who are involved in seed production, seed quality, seed treatments and seed research. The minimum requirement for education is a BSc. degree in ...

September 15-16, 2014

Curso de Implantação do Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade para Certificação de Sementes

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Associação Nacional de Produtores de Sementes (ANPROSEM)

Av. da Saudade, 535 Cidade Universitária - Presidente Prudente, SP, Brazil

Proporcionar conhecimento e domínio da metodologia para implantação e implementação do SGQ - Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade com ênfase nos processos de produção e certificação de sementes, utilizando a Lei 10.711/2003, Decreto 5.153/2004 e Instrução Normati...

September 15, 2014 - December 5, 2014

AVRDC’s 33rd International Vegetable Training Course (IVTC)

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World Vegetable Center

Kamphaeng Saen, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand

Aims to enhance technical, scientific and managerial skills of the participants to be able to contribute to the sustainable development of their countries through the increased production and consumption of health-promoting vegetables.

September 15-19, 2014

11th Conference of the International Society for Seed Science (ISSS)

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International Society for Seed Science (ISSS)

Mingcheng International Hotel - Changsha, China

Theme: Seed science for future food security in a sustainable environment

September 13-13, 2014

Native Seed Propagation Workshop

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University of North Carolina

NC Botanical Garden Education Center - Chapel Hill, NC, United States

This workshop is intended for all interested in seed propagation techniques for native perennials and woody plants. Topics include seed collection methods, post-collection handling, cleaning equipment and techniques, seed storage and sowing techniques, sowing media, cul...

September 4-7, 2014

ISTA Seed Health Testing Workshop

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Poznań University of Life Sciences - Poznan, Poland

September 1, 2014 - March 31, 2015

UC Davis Plant Breeding Academy, Class V

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Seed Biotechnology Centre at UC Davis

Davis, CA, United States

A premium professional certificate course offered in the United States, Europe and Asia. To date, 133 breeders from 30 countries have attended the Plant Breeding Academy (PBA), making it the most significant training of its kind.

August 27-28, 2014

CURSO: Cultivo Orgânico de Hortaliças

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Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa)

Padre Marcos, Piaui, Brazil

O evento é voltado para a utilização de técnicas e práticas de produção orgânica, como o preparo e manejo dos canteiros, controle alternativo de pragas e doenças, práticas de desinfestação de canteiros (solarização), preparação de composto orgânico, bio...

August 20, 2014 - December 3, 2014

Plant Breeding Methods - Distance Education version

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North Carolina State University

Online - Raleigh, NC, United States

Introductory Plant Breeding course for first year graduate students and advanced undergraduate students. The emphasis is on traditional methods of developing improved cultivars of cross-pollinated, self-pollinated, and asexually-propagated crops, and the genetic princi...

August 18-22, 2014

AGROBASE Generation II - South America Training Course

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Agronomix Software, Inc.

IBIS Hotel - Montevideo, Uruguay

Register for 2, 3, 4 or all 5 days based on your knowledge and areas of interest.

August 18-20, 2014

International Symposium on Indigenous Vegetables - 'Horticulture - sustaining lives, livelihoods and landscapes'

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Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre - Brisbane, QLD, Australia

There is an urgent global need to diversify agricultural systems to improve human nutrition through better balanced diets and to achieve more resilient, profitable and sustainable livelihoods for smallholder producers and marketers. Indigenous vegetables are in many ca...

August 12-13, 2014

45º Curso de Manejo Integrado de Pragas de Grãos e Sementes Armazenadas

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Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa)

Embrapa Soja - Londrina , PR, Brazil

O objetivo do curso é treinar o pessoal responsável pela armazenagem pelas unidades armazenadoras de grãos e sementes, gestores, supervisores, técnicos e operadores, nas mais modernas e avançadas técnicas de Manejo Integrado de Pragas de Grãos e Sementes Armazena...

July 22, 2014 - August 1, 2014

Food & Agribusiness Management Program

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Sathguru Management Consultants Pvt Ltd

Cornell University campus - Ithaca, NY, United States

The well recognized Food and Agri Business Management Program from Cornell University and Sathguru Management Consultants is arranged every year to keep pace with the dynamically changing agri business sector worldwide.

July 21-25, 2014

IX Curso de Vigor para Semente de Soja

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Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa)

Núcleo de Sementes da Embrapa Soja - Londrina , PR, Brazil

Dentre os diversos testes de vigor que podem ser utilizados atualmente em sementes, apenas o teste de tetrazólio é amplamente aplicado na avaliação da qualidade de sementes da soja.

July 21-25, 2014

Plant Breeding Summer Workshop - Genome Wide Selection

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Ohio State University

OARDC Campus - Wooster, OH, United States

July 16-18, 2014

Curso de Capacitação para Operadores de UBS (Unidade de Beneficiamento de Sementes)

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Fundação Pró-Sementes

Hotel Nacional - Rondonópolis , MT, Brazil

July 14-18, 2014

AGROBASE Generation II - Intro to Advanced Training Course

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Agronomix Software, Inc.

Meeting Room1, Lower Level, 2b Hartley Grove, PIRSA-SARDI, Plant research Center, University of Adelaide, Urrbrae Campus - Adelaide, Australia

July 7-11, 2014

Plant Breeding Summer Workshop - Marker Assisted Selection

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Ohio State University

OARDC Campus - Wooster, OH, United States

July 7-10, 2014

ISTA Variety Identification Using Molecular Markers Workshop

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Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The workshop is intended to instruct the participant on the theory and practices of basic DNA techniques, genotyping methods, data interpretation.

June 24-26, 2014

Curso de Capacitação para Operadores de UBS (Unidade de Beneficiamento de Sementes)

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Fundação Pró-Sementes

Fundação Pró-Sementes - Passo Fundo, RS, Brazil

June 24-24, 2014

Advances in weed management, Webinar 3 - A beginner's guide to harvest weed seed control

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Online WA 1.00pm; SA 2.30pm; QLD NSW VIC TAS 3.00pm - Hornsby, NSW, Australia

June 24-26, 2014

PMA Australia-New Zealand Fresh Connections Conference

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Viaduct Events Centre - Auckland, New Zealand

June 23-27, 2014

Plant Breeding Summer Workshop - Phenotyping: Field design and analysis

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Ohio State University

OARDC Campus - Wooster, OH, United States

June 23-26, 2014

ISTA Workshop on Seed Sampling and Quality Assurance in Seed

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Edinburgh, United Kingdom

The objective of the workshop is to provide an overview of seed sampling, and seed sampling related aspects of quality assurance in relation to a range of species. The workshop will offer a forum to discuss seed sampling in general as well as the opportunity to address ...

June 23-28, 2014

UC Davis European Plant Breeding Academy Class 3 - Session 3

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University of California, Davis

Gatersleben, Germany

The 2013 class will maintain the core curriculum delivered in the previous classes and add modules to address the most recent development in plant breeding theory and practice, including an expanded section on molecular marker use, genome selection, non-replicated desig...

June 16-27, 2014

17th Plant Variety Protection course

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Wageningen University - Wageningen, Netherlands

The course aims at facilitating the introduction and practical implementation of Plant Breeders' Rights (Plant Variety Protection) in countries where legislation on this matter is being developed, has recently been passed or who are considering to develop a system.

June 9-13, 2014

AGROBASE Generation II - Intro to Advanced Training Course

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Agronomix Software, Inc.

Viscount Gort Hotel - Winnipeg, MB, Canada

June 3-5, 2014

II Curso de Análise de Imagens de Sementes e Plântulas

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Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia de Sementes (ABRATES)

USP/ESALQ - Piracicaba , SP, Brazil

A formação é destinada a estudantes, profissionais e empresas da cadeia produtiva de sementes e tem como objetivo oferecer treinamento em técnicas de análise de imagens em sementes e plântulas para aplicação em pesquisas e programas industriais de controle de qu...

June 2-6, 2014

Seed Business 101 Field Crops

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Seed Biotechnology Centre at UC Davis

Coralville, IA, United States

A one-week course designed to expose participants to the five functional areas of a seed company (R&D, production, operations, sales and marketing and administration). Taught by widely respected seed business executives with additional help of industry experts participa...

May 19-22, 2014

11th International Master Class on Seed Technology

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Wageningen University & Research

Hof van Wageningen - Wageningen, Netherlands

The aim of the Master Class is to offer professional seed technologists and physiologists a further deepening, broadening and actualisation of their knowledge and expertise.

May 19-21, 2014

ISTA Workshop on Tree and Shrub Seeds from the Mediterranean Basin

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Technical University of Madrid - Madrid, Spain

May 19, 2014 - June 6, 2014

Integrated seed sector development

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Centre for Advanced Technology AgroFood (CAT-AgroFood), Wageningen UR

Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation - Wageningen, Netherlands

In this course participants can broaden their international experience and strengthen their competencies to support seed sector development, taking an integrated perspective.

May 19-21, 2014

PAG Asia 2014

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Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel - Singapore, Singapore

In response to the expanding global population, worldwide climate changes, and dramatic plant and animal genome research occurring in Asia Pacific, the organizers of the Plant and Animal Genome Conference are planning a short version of PAG to be held in Singapore.

May 12-16, 2014

ISTA Quality Assurance Workshop

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International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)*

Depok, Indonesia

This workshop aims at presenting and discussing basic principles of quality management and it focuses on the needs of seed testing laboratories that wish to comply with the ISTA Accreditation Standard and prepare for attaining and maintaining ISTA Accreditation.

May 7-9, 2014

7ª edição do Curso Teórico-Prático de Formação de Amostradores de Sementes

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Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia de Sementes (ABRATES)

Universidade Federal de Lavras - Lavras, MG, Brazil

As atividades serão desenvolvidas no Laboratório de Análise de Sementes e Unidade de Armazenamento da UFLA. Os temas abordados incluem os princípios básicos, definições e conceitos em amostragem de sementes, segurança do amostrador, marcação e rotulagem. Serã...

May 5-9, 2014

60° Curso Diacom Tetrazólio e Patologia de Sementes de Soja

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Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa)

Embrapa Soja - Londrina , Brazil

Objetivo: apresentar tecnologia adequada para avaliar corretamente a qualidade das sementes de soja e identificar as causas de descarte de seus lotes devido à baixa germinação no teste de laboratório. Os participantes do curso terão acesso a conhecimentos gerais su...

May 5-9, 2014

AGROBASE Generation II - Intro to Advanced Training Course

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Agronomix Software, Inc.

ICRISAT Campus, - Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh,, India

May 1-9, 2014

OSU 2014 Seed Quality Management Workshop

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Oregon State University

OSU Seed Laboratory - Corvallis, OR, United States

The workshops will be on May 1-2, and May 8-9. These workshops are most useful for grass seed growers, seed conditioners, and seed dealers. The instructors are: Dr. Adriel Garay, Dr. Sabry Elias, Dr. Andrew Hulting, Mr. Dennis Lundeen, manager of Seed Certification, and...

April 23-25, 2014

Curso de Produção de Hortaliças

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Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa)

Embrapa Hortaliças - Brasília, DF, Brazil

April 15-15, 2014

Independent Professional Seed Association webinar - Coaching and company culture: building your company into a community of leaders

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Independent Professional Seed Association (IPSA)*

Online - Omaha, NE, United States

Please contact Jennifer Hospodka at IPSA, 402-991-3550, with any questions.

April 7-8, 2014

SEMINAR - Training on State Aid in the Agricultural Sector

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MCE Conference Centre - Brussels, Belgium

2-day intensive training on the State aid rules applicable to the agricultural sector, with a special focus on the modernisation of Guidelines for State aid in agricultural and forestry sector, the ABER and de minimis regulation.

April 7-25, 2014

Contemporary Approaches to Genetic Resources Conservation and Use

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Wageningen University & Research

Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation - Wageningen, Gelderland, Netherlands

Modern production and marketing of agricultural crops depend on a limited number of genetically uniform varieties that deliver uniform food products. With this approach becoming global, genetic diversity is endangered. Worldwide, strategies are developed to conserve gen...

April 1-1, 2014

One-day technical workshop focusing on variety selection and the National Variety Trials (NVT)

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Grains Research & Development Corporation (GRDC)

Country Comfort Inter City - Belmont , Australia

Pilot event in the western region aimed at grain growers, advisers, agronomists and consultants. Designed to provide a better understanding of the science behind variety selection and performance. To register please contact: admin@agcommunicators.com.au

March 17-21, 2014

III Curso de Fisiologia de Sementes

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Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia de Sementes (ABRATES)

Auditório do Crystal Palace Hotel - Londrina, PR, Brazil

O conteúdo do III Curso de Fisiologia de Sementes permitirá aos participantes conhecer o comportamento dos componentes da semente durante os processos de embebição, de germinação, do desenvolvimento das plântulas, além de compreender as deficiências de ordem fi...

March 17-20, 2014

I International Symposium on Vegetable Grafting

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Wuhan, Hubei Province , China

Info: Prof. Zhilong Bie, Huazhong Agricultural University, College of Horticulture & Forestry, Wuhan 430070, Hubei Province, China. Phone: (86)27-87286908, Fax: (86)27-87282010, E-mail: biezhilong@hotmail.com

March 3-7, 2014

Training Programme on Hybrid Seed Production Technology in Field Crops

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Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU)

Hyderabad, India

March 3-7, 2014

ASTA Management Academy

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American Seed Trade Association (ASTA)*

Purdue University, Center for Food and Agricultural Business - West Lafayette, IN, United States

March 3-8, 2014

UC Davis European Plant Breeding Academy Class 3 - Session 2

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University of California, Davis

Angers, France

The 2013 class will maintain the core curriculum delivered in the previous classes and add modules to address the most recent development in plant breeding theory and practice, including an expanded section on molecular marker use, genome selection, non-replicated desig...

February 21-21, 2014

16th annual Wild World of Weeds workshop

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North Dakota State University

Fargodome - Fargo, ND, United States

The workshop is intended for agricultural professionals who advise growers on weed control and herbicide use, crop consultants, agronomists, agricultural dealers and distributors, Extension agents and industry representatives.

February 11-14, 2014

Sorghum Production School

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Kansas State University

Scott City / Beloit / Wichita / Manhattan, KS, United States

Address such issues as risk management, irrigation management, production practices, nutrient and soil fertility, and weed, insect and disease management.

February 11-13, 2014

Breeding with Genomics

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University of California, Davis

UC Davis Buehler Alumni Center - Davis, CA, United States

The course covers the basics of DNA markers, quantitative trait loci and the transition from maker assisted selection with a highlight on breeding for disease resistance. The course is aimed at professionals who are directly or indirectly involved in plant breeding and ...

February 3-7, 2014

SCST Genetic Technology Super Workshop

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Society of Commercial Seed Technologists (SCST) *

Seed Science Center, Iowa State University - Ames, IA, United States

Contact for more information: Trisha Scott Phone: 515-294-6028 E-mail: tscott@iastate.edu SCST office Phone: 309-736-0119 E-mail: scst@seedtechnology.net

January 29, 2014 - February 2, 2014

Seed Business 101 Horticulture

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Seed Biotechnology Centre at UC Davis

Hyatt Regency - Monterey, CA, United States

The Seed Business 101 course was created, with input from industry executives, to accelerate the careers of promising new employees and young managers.

January 27-31, 2014

2014 Turfgrass Ecology Workshop and Short Course

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Texas A&M AgriLife

Texas A&M University Memorial Student Center - College Station, TX, United States

An intensive five-day educational opportunity for anyone interested in the fundamentals of turfgrass physiology and management.

January 20, 2014 - October 16, 2015

Plant Breeding course

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Wageningen University & Research

Wageningen Academy - Wageningen, Netherlands

This course covers all theoretical and some practical subjects that are necessary for managing a professional breeding programme. It includes both basic and more complex breeding and selection methods.

January 20-24, 2014

Seed Business 101 Horticulture

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Seed Biotechnology Centre at UC Davis

Hyatt Regency - Monterey, CA, United States

The Seed Business 101 course was created, with input from industry executives, to accelerate the careers of promising new employees and young managers.

January 13-17, 2014

SHORT COURSE - Mathematical modelling for sustainable management of crop health

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Volterra, Italy

Will present a panorama of modelling approaches and their use for sustainable plant protection. The approaches include simple statistical models, dynamic system models, agent-based models and network models. Major emphasis will be on dynamic system models.

December 12-13, 2014

ICABBBE 2014 - International Conference on Agriculture, Biotechnology, Biological and Biosystem Engineering

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Jakarta, Indonesia

ICABBBE 2014 aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of Agriculture, Biotechnology, Biological and Biosystem Engineering.

November 27-29, 2014

International Agriculture Congress 2014

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Pullman Putrajaya Lakeside - Putrajaya , Malaysia

Two days of scientific sessions (inclusive of keynote, plenary, oral and poster presentations) and exhibition

November 6-9, 2014

6th Indian Horticulture Congress 2014

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Coimbatore, TN, India

November 1-3, 2014

Asian Plant Science Conference

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Hotel Nirvana - Bhairahawa (Lumbini), Nepal

October 15-15, 2014

Sydney Science Forum 2014 - Rust Never Sleeps: Combating Plant Rust Diseases to Protect Our Food Supplies

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University of Sydney

Eastern Avenue Auditorium - Sydney, NSW, Australia

October 10-12, 2014

AgriFest 2014

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Lucknow, India

October 7-8, 2014

Next Generation Sequencing Asia Congress

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MAX Atria at Singapore Expo - Singapore , Singapore

October 1-1, 2014

2014 Winter Cereal Research Field Day Program

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Grains Research & Development Corporation (GRDC)

Gatton, Queensland, Australia

The day is designed to provide a “hands-on” field experience for those interested in the latest science applied to two of Australia’s most important grain crops; wheat and barley.

September 29, 2014 - October 2, 2014

18th Australian Research Assembly on Brassicas

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Novotel Barossa Valley Resort - Tanunda, SA, Australia

September 12-14, 2014

4th Annual World Congress of Agriculture (WCA-2014)

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Changchun, China

The glorious road from tradition to modernization

September 9-10, 2014

Asian Solanaceous Roundtable

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Asia & Pacific Seed Alliance (APSA)*

Hotel Ashoka - Bangalore, India

Disease and Insect Pest Resistance in Solanaceous Vegetables - Successes and Challenges

September 3-5, 2014

Agritech Asia 2014

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Mahatma Mandir - Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India

September 3-5, 2014

Asia Fruit Logistica 2014

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AsiaWorld-Expo - Hong Kong, China

September 2-3, 2014

7th International Seminar on Wheat and Wheat Products

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Chennai, India

New technologies and marketing opportunities

August 26-28, 2014

International Conference on Plant Physiology 2014

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Sanur Paradise Plaza Hotel & Suites - Bali, Indonesia

August 21-22, 2014

International Conference on Asian Food Security (ICAFS) 2014

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Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel - Singapore, Singapore

"Towards Asia 2025: Policy and Technology Imperatives"

August 17-20, 2014

International Symposium on “Molecular biology in horticulture”

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Brisbane, Australia

Will be held during the International Horticultural Congress (IHC2014).

August 17-20, 2014

International Symposium on Postharvest Knowledge for the Future

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International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS)

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Will be held during the International Horticultural Congress (IHC2014).

August 17-22, 2014

29th International Horticultural Congress - IHC2014

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International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS)

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Horticulture: sustaining lives, livelihoods and landscapes

August 10-15, 2014

International Association of Plant Biotechnology Congress 2014

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Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre - Melbourne, Australia

August 2-4, 2014

COURSE - Biodiversity, PVP, IPR and Related Issues in Agriculture

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Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)

Directorate of Sorghum Research - Hyderabad, India

Contact: tonapi@sorghum.res.in (08501878645) or elangovan@sorghum.res.in (09848161434).

July 28-29, 2014

Australian Grains Industry Conference

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Crown Conference Centre - Melbourne, Australia

The 'must attend' event on the grains industry calendar annually and provides a one stop opportunity to meet with clients, catch up with friends and colleagues and hear the latest developments in the industry.

June 19-21, 2014

2014 AUSVEG National Convention, Trade Show and Awards for Excellence

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Australian Vegetable Growers Federation (AUSVEG)

Cairns Convention Center - Cairns, Queensland, Australia

June 17, 2014 - July 1, 2014

2014 Cotton Management Tour

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Cotton Seed Distributors

Goondiwindi, Theodore, Emerald, St. George, Dalby, Mungwindi, Moree, Gunneday, Wee Waa, Narromine, Hilston, Griffith, Coleambally, Walgett, Bourke, Warren, Australia

Topics to be discussed will cover all phases of the crop growing cycle including pre-season preparations, the crucial planting operation through to flowering and crop cut-out, right through to the post cut-out phase of the crop.

June 13-16, 2014

2014 China Vegetable Seed Expo

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Zhongdu Seeds

China Youth Vegetables Industry Employment Training Garden, Pudong New District - Shanghai , China

June 11-12, 2014

International Conference on Food, Agriculture and Biology (FAB-2014)

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Grand Seasons Hotel KL 72 - Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia

June 8-13, 2014

20th World Congress of Soil Science

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Jeju, Korea

Under the theme of “Soils Embrace Life and Universe”, all the participants from around the world will discuss up-to-date knowledge, recent research results and technological advances in the broad areas of soils sciences.

June 4-5, 2014

Irrigation Australia Exhibition

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Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre - Broadbeach, Queensland, Australia

May 26-29, 2014

OptiChina International Conference - Breeding to Optimize Agriculture in a Changing World

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Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS)

Beijing, China

May 26-28, 2014

ISF World Seed Congress 2014

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International Seed Federation (ISF)*

5° Quinglong Lake International Convention Center - Beijing, China

May 21-23, 2014

5th Annual CropWorld India 2014

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The Westin Mumbai Garden City - Mumbai, India

May 8-10, 2014

Horti Asia 2014

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Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Center - Bangkok, Thailand

International tradeshow for horticultural and floricultural production and processing technology

April 25, 2014 - October 25, 2014

2014 Qingdao International Horticultural Exposition

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Qingdao , China

February 25-28, 2014

SEAVEG 2014: Families, Farms, Food

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Centara Grand at Central Plaza Ladprao - Bangkok, United States

Regional symposium on sustaining small-scale vegetable production and marketing systems for food and nutrition security

February 24-25, 2014

Plant Genomics Congress: Asia

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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Attracting experts working in areas such as plant sciences, next generation sequencing, genomics, epigenetics, bioinformatics and data management. Presentations concentrate on, but are not limited to, regional crops such as rice, wheat, barley, maize, soybean, rapeseed,...

February 20-22, 2014


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IARI Ground - Pusa, India

February 19-21, 2014

4th International Workshop on Next Generation Genomics and Integrated Breeding for Crop Improvement (NGGIBCI-2014)

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International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)

ICRISAT - Patancheru , India

We have organized live telecast for all the presentations in the meeting. Listen to the presentations by using http://ksiconnect.icrisat.org:8080/nggibci/ site. Live telecast will start as per time (Indian time) schedule mentioned in the programme.

February 18-19, 2014

Indian Seed Congress 2014

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National Seed Association of India (NSAI)

Mahatma Mandir - Gandhinagar, Gujarat , India

February 13-14, 2014

2014 International Conference on Intelligent Agriculture (ICOIA 2014)

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The Cityview - Hong Kong, China

The objective of ICOIA 2014 is to present the latest research and results of scientists (preferred students, PhD Students, and post-doc scientist) related to Intelligent Agriculture topics.

February 13-14, 2014

2014 International Conference on Intelligent Agriculture (ICOIA 2014)

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The Cityview - Hong Kong, China

The latest fundamental advances in the state of the art and practice of intelligent agriculture as well as joint-venture and synergic research and development across both areas.

February 10-12, 2014

Bangalore INDIA BIO

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The Lalit Ashok - Bangalore, India




January 31 - February 4, 2025
ASTA Vegetable & Flower Conference
Orlando, Florida


June 7-11, 2025
ASTA Leadership Summit
Washington, DC


October 29, 2025
ASTA Forage & Grass Seed Conference
Kansas City, MO


December 10-13, 2025
ASTA Field Crop Seed Convention
Orlando, Florida


February 15-20, 2026
ASTA Vegetable & Flower Conference
San Diego, California


November 4, 2026
ASTA Forage & Grass Seed Conference
Kansas City, MO


December 14-17, 2026
ASTA Field Crop Seed Convention
Orlando, Florida


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