STS manufactures two main air density separators. Our STS-MC3 and the STS-WM series use vacuum pressurized air to separate products and are designed for continuous or batch feed operation. The smallest model, STS-WM2 lab model, is ideal for small lot batch feed processing, non-continuous flow.
For greater operation demand, we manufacture a computerized multiple air chamber system, STS-MACS. This model series uses computerized blowers to separate products. These machines are so sensitive in their calibration that they can separate seed based on the moisture and tissue development of the seed density.
Our separators are successful in separating out less viable and immature seed, thus improving the quality of the lot and enhancing seed germination. In addition, the user has the ability to control air flow and feed rate which helps to achieve product purity.
Wall Mount Air Separators
Finally, a machine that literally pays for itself.
The Wall Mount Air Separator System uses a pressurized vacuum method to provide high efficiency cleaning and precise upgrade separations of various agricultural and industrial products.
Its ability to separate less viable and immature seeds, improves the quality of the lot and therefore, enhances seed germination. In addition, the user has the ability to control air flow and feed rate which helps to achieve purity.
When seed enters the feed chute, the light, split, and broken seed, chaff and other debris are lifted by air flow up through the column and are separated into 2 or 3 batching compartments (depending upon the model).
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Mobile Cabinet Seed Separator
A breakthrough in cleaning and upgrading.
A machine that literally pays for itself by being so sensitive in calibration that it can separate seed based on moisture and tissue development of the seeds density~ and thus dramatically improves seed germination.
The STS-MC3 Air Separator uses a pressurized vacuum method to provide high efficiency cleaning and precise upgrade separations.
Its mobile cabinet feature provides a portable & locking caster wheel operation. In addition, the STS-MC3 Air separator provides a vacuum system built-in the mobile cabinet for a quieter operation when in use.
Whatever air velocity the operator chooses when seed enters the feed chute, the light, split, and other debris are lifted by air flow up through the column and are separated into 2 or 3 batching compartments.
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STS-MACS Air Separator
'Multiple Air Chamber System'
A technological breakthrough in precision seed upgrading.
The STS-MACS is so sensitive in its calibration that it can separate seed based on the moisture and tissue development of the seed and thus dramatically improves seed germination.
The STS-MACS is a multiple air chamber system which stratifies columns of air and uses this air to separate products.
Separation is accomplished by using a vibratory feeder unit to feed the product into multiple enclosed chambers.
Air flow is calibrated by digitized variable frequency computers.
The user has direct control of air flow levels which allow for precise air adjustments in each column, thus, the desired level of product separation is obtained.
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