Maharashtra State Seeds Corporation Ltd.
Mahyco - Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Co. Ltd.
MAIZALL - International Maize Alliance
Marrone Bio Innovations
Mars, Incorporated
MAS Seeds
Maslaha Seeds Nigeria Ltd.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Massey University
Max Planck Gesellschaft
Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology
Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology
Max-Planck-Institute für Biochemie
MBM Intellectual Property Law LLP
McGill University
Meo Voto Zaden BV
Merschman Seeds, Inc.
Metabolix Oilseeds, Inc.
Mexico, Ministry of Agriculture (SAGARPA)
Mgom'mera Seed Company
Michigan State University
Mikado Kyowa Seed Japan
Mississippi State University
Monsanto Agrar Deutschland GmbH
Monsanto Argentina S.A.I.C.
Monsanto Australia Ltd.
Monsanto Canada
Monsanto Company
Monsanto do Brasil
Monsanto Europe SA
Monsanto France
Monsanto India Limited
Montana State University
Morflora Israel Ltd.
Morrison & Foerster
MS Technologies LLC
MTT Agrifood Research Finland
Mukushi Seeds (Pvt) Ltd.
Munson Hybrids
Murdoch University
Mylnefield Research Services Ltd
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