November 26, 2021
“Sustainability is in Barenbrug's DNA”
December 20, 2018
From greenhouse to game day - Barenbrug is a global grass breeder which produces a range of seed varieties for a wide number of applications, including sports turf - Developing these varieties is a long and exhaustive process and invariably it can take anywhere up to 15 years (or longer) to bring a new grass cultivar to the market
June 14, 2018
Aandacht voor de bodem neemt toe - Nu melkveehouders een fosfaatquotum toegewezen hebben gekregen, neemt het belang van de eigen ruwvoerproductie toe. Melkveehouders die maximaal melk produceren uit ruwvoer, realiseren het hoogste economische rendement
April 11, 2016
Development of the forage market in South Europe - An interview with Barenbrug’s Account Manager Martin Dekker
July 28, 2014
Grass ever more important for growing world population
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