August 1, 2012
The Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) has announced the research areas it will focus on over the next five years to help Australia’s 22,000 grain growers grow the best possible crops.
Speaking at the Australian Grains Industry Conference in Melbourne, GRDC Managing Director John Harvey launched the GRDC’s Strategic Research and Development Plan 2012-17.

GRDC Managing Director John Harvey (left) and Chairman Keith Perrett at the Australian Grains Industry Conference in Melbourne
GRDC is one of the world’s leading investors in grains research, development and extension (RD&E) and is responsible for planning, investing in and overseeing RD&E to deliver improvements in production, sustainability and profitability in the Australian grains industry.
Priority research areas outlined in the plan include:
- Meeting Market Requirements;
- Improving Crop Yield;
- Crop Protection;
- Profitable Farming Systems;
- Maintaining the Farm Resource Base; and
- Building Skills and Capacity.
GRDC Managing Director John Harvey told the conference the plan was a result of extensive consultation with grain growers, the research community, government agencies and the wider grains industry.
“The focus of the plan is really about effectively getting the outputs from research into growers’ hands,” Mr Harvey said.
“This is because GRDC knows that the investment it makes in RD&E can only be of benefit to the industry if it helps growers to do something better on their farm.”
Senator the Hon. Joe Ludwig, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, who opened the Australian Grains Industry Conference in Melbourne, welcomed the GRDC’s strategic research and development plan.
“The government is a strong supporter of rural research and development, investing about $700 million a year,” Minister Ludwig said.
“Across Australia over 22,000 grain growers work the land to grow the best crop possible and access to world-leading research, development and extension from the GRDC is a vital ingredient to their success.
“Over the term of this plan, the Australian Government and growers – through the GRDC — will invest over three quarters of a billion dollars in RD&E to benefit the growers and the broader grains industry.”
Minister Ludwig said he was pleased that delivering the outputs of research to growers was a focal point of the plan.
“Last week I released the government’s rural research and development policy statement and that included ways to increase adoption,” he said.
“I am pleased that the GRDC is looking at this.
“Research, development and extension can benefit growers, but also the wider grains industry and the general community by improving farming practices, acting to sustain natural resources, plant better seeds and produce a more valuable grain product.
“This plan outlines how the GRDC will invest the grower levy, along with the government’s contribution, in innovation of the greatest benefit of Australia’s grain growers.”
The GRDC’s Strategic Research and Development Plan 2012-17 is available on the GRDC website at