Wageningen, The Netherlands
March 11, 2014

Shelf life – a complex trait
Don’t we – breeders, retailers, consumers – want it all? Fruits which can be kept longer in storage instead of decaying in our fridge or on our countertop? Shelf life however is, in contrast to the simple definition, a complex trait. This makes breeding for shelf life a challenging job. This has all to do with the different aspects which influence shelf life such as fruit type, time of picking the fruit, storage conditions and personal preferences.
Shelf life of melons
In general, fruits can be divided in two groups: climacteric and non-climacteric. In climacteric fruits, for example banana and apples, ripening continues after picking. Here, ethylene is involved in the fruit ripening process. Climacteric fruits are most often picked unripe, transported to their destination or stored for later usage, and treated with ethylene gas to finalize the ripening process. Non-climacteric fruits however, like citrus and grape, only ripen while still attached to the plant. Harvesting them too early will result in less tasty or even uneatable fruit. The melon, our focus in this research project, has varieties in both the climacteric and non-climacteric categories. Advantages of the climacteric melon are: better aromas and easier to recognize when they are ripe. On the other hand, disadvantage is the relative short shelf life. Characteristics for the non-climacteric melon varieties are: harvested when almost ripe (although more difficult to see when ripe), no or hardly any ripening after picking and, in general, these melons have a longer shelf life. How combine the best of both types of fruits in order to improve shelf life? A big challenge!
Key questions
Controlling the ripening process in both types of melons would be one of the keys to obtain improved shelf life in melon. Therefore knowledge is needed, especially about the genes controlling this complicated process. Key questions here are: which genes are involved in the ripening process in melon? Where are they located on the chromosomes? What can you see on the outside of the melon? In order to answer these questions KeyGene researchers choose a multidimensional approach: they created transcriptomic data (which genes), genetic data (where) and phenotypic data (how does it look or taste) and combined it with the information available in the public domain.
Candidate genes: the answers to which, where and how
Our researchers analyzed the RNA of several melon varieties, on different time points during ripening. From the RNA all the important building blocks necessary for proper cell functioning such as proteins and regulators, are synthesized. So, the RNA analysis gives insight in the involved genes. A genetic map provided insight in the location of involved genes. The where and why question was answered by measuring the changes in concentration of ethylene and sugar and by measuring the color change of the various melons varieties during ripening. In the coming period our researchers will identify genes involved in the melon ripening process by combining the RNA information, genetic map and the phenotypic data. Comparison of the identified genes with information from the public domain will result in a list with candidate genes.
Almost there
The candidate gene list contains genes selected for further study based on knowledge of the gene’s impact on the trait in question, shelf life. Validation will provide an answer to the key question: which genes are involved in the ripening process in melon?
The final goal
Knowing which genes are involved is not the end of the research. From that point on our KeyPoint® Mutation Breeding technology comes around. With this non-GMO technique random mutations will be induced by chemical treatment of the melon seeds. The chemical, just as UV light does, causes minor changes in the DNA. Subsequently the seeds will be grown and the DNA of the selected genes is analyzed for mutations. Are the involved genes altered? Subsequently the plants will be phenotyped: how does the plant and melons look? Has shelf life improved? The final result we strive for: a melon variety with adequate shelf life and with all appreciated qualities we would like to maintain.
And what’s your trait of interest?
Most of this work was excuted by Liping Gao, postdoctoral researcher at KeyGene.