More work still needed on EU biotech approvals timeline, says the American Soybean Association
Washington, DC, USA
January 27, 2016
The American Soybean Association (ASA) urged the European Commission today to continue its work in addressing delays in the approvals timeline for crops grown with new biotechnology traits, saying the delays create a barrier to entry into the market for American soybeans and risk the supply of high quality feed for Europe’s livestock industry. ASA noted the improvements the current Commission has made, and urged the Commission to give final authorization to new biotech events after they have passed through the EU’s long review process. The statement followed a report released earlier this month from European Ombudsman Emily O’Reilly highlighting delays in the previous Commission’s decisions on approving the import of new biotech crops that she said amounted to “maladministration.” ASA President Richard Wilkins noted that while the current Commission is making progress, it must continue to do so:
“While Ombudsman O’Reilly’s report is a reaffirmation of what we have known to be true for some time, it is still a good acknowledgement of the work that is ahead with regard to Europe. The process for approving new traits for export must be a transparent, efficient and science-based one. And the current Commission must not shirk its responsibility to provide final authorization of new biotech products after they have traveled through the EU’s established reviews and processes. Several new soybean biotech traits now are awaiting final approval by the Commission; it needs to provide final authorizations expeditiously and in accord with EU regulations.”
More news from: ASA - American Soybean Association
Website: Published: January 28, 2016 |