August 22, 2011
Dow AgroSciences, M.S. Technologies submit for approval first ever three-gene herbicide-tolerant soybean
March 29, 2010
Canadian Food Inspection Agency: Notice of submission for approval of novel food, livestock feed use and unconfined release of soybean genetically modified for herbicide tolerance from MS Technologies LLC and Bayer CropScience Inc. Avis de demande d'approbation de MS Technologies LLC et Bayer CropScience Inc. d'un aliment nouveau pour animaux et humains, et d'approbation de sûreté environnementale pour du soja destiné à la plantation commerciale, qui a été modifié génétiquement afin de le rendre tolérant à deux herbicides.
January 20, 2010
Growing global weed resistance poses new challenges for agriculture:Bayer CropScience hosts leading university and industry experts from North and South America to discuss weed resistance issues and solutions
June 4, 2008
Dow AgroSciences, Mertec LLC, M.S. Technologies LLC collaborate to bring new soybean technologies to U.S. soybean growers
November 26, 2007
Bayer CropScience, Mertec and M.S. Technologies to co-develop new soybean trait products Bayer CropScience, Mertec und M.S. Technologies wollen gemeinsam Sojabohnen mit neuen Eigenschaften entwickeln
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