July 24, 2020
More than 130 research institutes urge the European Union to reconsider its stance on precision breeding
May 14, 2020
VIB field test with maize variety to check drought tolerance in practice VIB-veldproef met maïsvariëteit moet droogtetolerantie in de praktijk nagaan
April 27, 2020
Jérôme Van Biervliet appointed new managing director of VIB Jérôme Van Biervliet aangesteld als nieuw algemeen directeur van VIB
January 14, 2020
Belgium - VIB submits an application for a new field trial with genetically modified maize Nieuwe veldproef met genetisch gewijzigde maïs
October 10, 2019
VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology devises a CRISPR-based tissue-specific knockout system
July 25, 2019
Open Statement for the use of genome editing for sustainable agriculture and food production in the European Union
European scientists ask the EU Parliament and EU Commission reconsider genome editing for sustainable agriculture and food production Europese wetenschappers vragen het EU Parlement en EU Commissie om genoom editing te heroverwegen voor duurzame agricultuur & voedselproductie
July 22, 2019
FFAR grant to USDA-ARS bolsters soybean resiliency to climate change
June 3, 2019
From VIB ‘Revolutionizing Next-Generation Sequencing’ onference to high-impact publication
April 15, 2019
Belgium - Permit for CRISPR maize field trial that aims to measure climate stress Vergunning voor CRISPR maïsveldproef die gevolgen van klimaatstress onderzoekt
March 21, 2019
Plant immunity cut to size Planten-immuniteit, op maat geknipt
February 15, 2019
New insights into radial expansion of plants can boost biomass production
February 6, 2019
Inari Agriculture broadens its research footprint with expansion to Belgian life sciences hub
October 26, 2018
European plant and life science research centres unite against European Court of Justice ruling
October 24, 2018
European scientists unite to safeguard precision breeding for sustainable agriculture
August 14, 2018
New insights in cell death in plants might generate new leads for weed control
July 31, 2018
Ruling of European Court of Justice puts sustainable agriculture in Europe at risk
February 23, 2018
Scientists discover how to increase both sugar yield and biomass production in the model plant Arabidopsis
October 3, 2017
Cotton in Africa (VIB's Facts Series)
June 16, 2017
Aphea.Bio aims at leading position in next generation agricultural biologicals - New VIB spin-off launches with 9 million euros in funding
June 2, 2017
New Centre for Bioassay Development and Screening (C-BIOS) launched to support early-stage drug/agro discovery
March 16, 2017
New plant research leads to the discovery of a gene that significantly increases seed yield in maize
January 19, 2017
VIB's Facts Series - Golden Rice
Innovative farming and forestry across the emerging world: the role of genetically modified crops and trees
November 2, 2016
Controlling plant regeneration systems may drive the future of agriculture
October 25, 2016
Study reveals which genes are critical to a plant’s response to drought
September 11, 2016
Effect of genetically modified crops on the environment Impact des plantes génétiquement modifiées sur l’environnement
August 3, 2016
VIB releases a book titled The GMO Revolution, authored by Wim Grunewald and Jo Bury
May 4, 2016
VIB Fact Series issue: From Plant to Crop: The Past, Present and Future of Plant Breeding De la planta al cultivo: pasado, presente y futuro del mejoramiento vegetal
Turning plant seeds into medicine factories
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