October 11, 2022
The American Society for Horticultural Science (ASHS) announces its newest professional designation—the ASHS Practicing Professional Horticulturist (PPH). The PPH joins the society’s other professional designation (ASHS Associate Professional Horticulturist; APH) and certification (ASHS Certified Professional Horticulturist; CPH).
The need for professional standards has long been recognized in occupations that serve the public, especially in fields where professional errors may carry liability, such as engineering, finance, law, and medicine. For professionals employed in horticulture, standardization of professional credentials is essential. ASHS’ two designations and one certification standardizes credentials by establishing minimum requirements of scholastic education, work experience, and professional references. The PPH, APH, and CPH differ in light of the first two of these requirements. Successful applicants also commit to a code of ethics; CPH and PPH must document a minimum of 40 hours of continuing education units during each two-year renewal cycle.
The PPH was established as an option for practicing professional horticulturists that have not earned a bachelor’s degree in Horticulture (or a closely related field), yet have demonstrated distinction by their strong horticultural work experience (5+ years) and overall contributions that are attested to by their supervisor(s) and other industry professionals. There are many outstanding horticulturists in all sectors of the horticulture industry for which this designation would be fitting. ASHS is excited to help recognize and set these professionals apart through the new PPH designation.
In comparison, individuals eligible for the APH and CPH have earned a bachelor’s in Horticulture (or related field). The APH is designed for recent graduates that have not yet accumulated 5 years of post-graduation work experience. The CPH is the premier professional title as it is a certification and also requires 5+ years of pertinent work experience post-graduation. People are encouraged to transition to the most fitting program as education and work experience changes.
Individuals credentialed by the ASHS Certified Professional Horticulturist Board (ASHS-CPHB) with the PPH, APH, or CPH qualify for recognition as professionals of excellence in their field and are eligible for listing in the ASHS Directory of Professional Horticulturists. Professional credentials are available only for individuals. The professional credentials CPH, APH, or PPH may not be used in such a manner as to indicate that an agency, business, firm, or organization is a credentialed entity. Furthermore, the professional credentials may not be used in any way to imply ASHS endorsement of any entity, product, program, or service.
Online applications for these professional designations can be found on the ASHS website at: