Washington, DC, USA
June 27, 2023

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) recently reviewed soybean, tomato, and potato plants modified using genetic engineering. We reviewed the plants to determine whether they presented an increased plant pest risk compared similar cultivated soybean, tomato, and potato plants.
Inner Plant modified two soybean plants and one tomato plant to produce an optical signal. One soybean plant was modified to emit the signal when there is pest damage, while the other soybean and the tomato plant continuously emit the signal. Inner Plant has a system to detect these signals using remote sensing devices from tractors, drones, airplanes, and satellites to aid crop management.
Ohalo Genetics modified a potato plant to produce an increased concentration of beta-carotene for altered nutritional value. Beta-carotene is an antioxidant that can give an orange, yellow, or red color to carrots and other foods.
You can view the RSR requests from Inner Plant and Ohalo Genetics and APHIS’ response letters on the APHIS website. Our responses are based on information from the developers and our:
- familiarity with plant varieties,
- knowledge of the traits, and
- understanding of the modifications.
Under 7 CFR part 340, developers may request an RSR when they believe a modified plant is not subject to regulation. APHIS reviews the modified plant and considers whether it might pose an increased plant pest risk compared to a nonregulated plant. If our review finds a plant is unlikely to pose an increased plant pest risk relative to the comparator plant, APHIS issues a response indicating the plant is not subject to the regulations.
View the RSR Request and Response Letter