New Zealand
October 28, 2015
The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) has released the draft Facility Standard: Post Entry Quarantine for Plants for public consultation.
The draft Facility Standard will replace the current version and is now available on the MPI website:
From 28 October 2015 to 27 November 2015 the Ministry for Primary Industries invites comment on proposed changes to the:
- Facility Standard: Post Entry Quarantine for Plants
Supporting information can also be found on the above website, including the following:
- Risk Management Proposal: Revision of the Facility Standard: Post Entry Quarantine For Plants;
- Draft Guidance Document: Post Entry Quarantine for Plants;
- Example Operating Manual for a Hypothetical Level 2 Facility,
Comments are also welcome on each of the above documents.
We are aiming for the consultation period to remain open until 5 pm Friday 27 November 2015.