New Zealand
November 16, 2015
The consultation on a draft IHS for seeds for sowing, and changes to protocol for testing for the presence of genetically modified seed has closed.
Provisional IHS
A provisional import health standard (IHS) was issued on 12 November 2015. Authorised people have 10 days from this date to ask for an independent review under section 24 of the Biosecurity Act 1993. If no requests for a review are lodged, the final IHS will be issued.
A summary of the submissions received for this consultation are available to download:
Final Draft of the Protocol for Testing for the Presence of Genetically Modified Plant Material
Consultation has closed and the final draft for the Protocol for Testing for the Presence of Genetically Modified Plant Material was issued on 12 November 2015. No submissions were lodged. The full implementation of this protocol is from the 01/01/2016. All GM testing certificates dated on and after the 01/01/2016 must comply with the new requirements.
Full implementation of the Protocol starts from the 01/01/2016. All GM testing certificates dated on and after the 01/01/12016 must comply with the new requirements.
Any questions related to this message should be directed to:
Plant & Forestry Team
Ministry for Primary Industries
PO Box 2526