January 8, 2025
A new way to determine whether a species will successfully invade an ecosystem
December 17, 2024
A new method to detect dehydration in plants - Sensors developed by SMART researchers are capable of detecting pH changes in plant xylem enable farmers to detect drought stress up to 48 hours before visible physical symptoms manifest
November 26, 2024
Green Revolution redux - Have we entered the golden age of plant engineering? (MIT Technology Review)
November 4, 2024
How a breakthrough gene-editing tool will help the world cope with climate change - Jennifer Doudna, the co-developer of CRISPR, says there’s a “coming revolution” in climate-adapted crops and animals
July 3, 2023
Researchers uncover new CRISPR-like system in animals that can edit the human genome - The first RNA-guided DNA-cutting enzyme found in eukaryotes, Fanzor could one day be harnessed to edit DNA more precisely than CRISPR/Cas systems
October 21, 2022
Why scientists want to help plants capture more carbon dioxide (MIT Technology Review)
July 14, 2022
Heat is bad for plant health - Here's how gene editing could help (MIT Technology Review)
April 25, 2022
Une céréale génétiquement modifiée pour mieux capter l’azote de l’air (Le Monde)
Engineered plant control of associative nitrogen fixation (PNAS)
October 6, 2021
MIT Sloan and Bayer team up to cultivate digital intrapreneurship capability - Corporate innovation leaders at Bayer engage MIT Sloan Executive Education in a transformational data science and intrapreneurship program
September 15, 2021
New programmable gene editing proteins found outside of CRISPR systems - RNA-guided enzymes are more diverse and widespread than previously believed
July 19, 2021
Crean recubrimiento para aumentar productividad de semillas en condiciones de sequía (El Periódico)
July 9, 2021
Maroc - Le Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) et l'Université Polytechnique Mohammed VI (UM6P) développent des semences résistantes à la sécheresse (Le Desk)
July 8, 2021
Engineering seeds to resist drought - A new seed-coating process could facilitate agriculture on marginal arid lands by enabling the seeds to retain any available water
March 26, 2021
Broad Institute launches the Eric and Wendy Schmidt Center to connect biology, machine learning for understanding programs of life
January 5, 2021
Portable device can quickly detect plant stress - Sensor developed by SMART researchers would allow rapid diagnosis of nutrition deficiency in plants, enabling farmers to maximize crop yield in a sustainable way.
July 1, 2020
Nature-inspired CRISPR enzymes for expansive genome editing - Applied computational biology discoveries vastly expand the range of CRISPR’s access to DNA sequences
April 27, 2020
Engineers develop precision injection system for plants - Microneedles made of silk-based material can target plant tissues for delivery of micronutrients, hormones, or genes
April 15, 2020
Nanosensor can alert a smartphone when plants are stressed - Carbon nanotubes embedded in leaves detect chemical signals that are produced when a plant is damaged
January 15, 2020
Making real a biotechnology dream: nitrogen-fixing cereal crops - At MIT, Christopher Voigt bab's work could eventually replace cereal crops’ need for nitrogen from chemical fertilizers.
November 25, 2019
Coated seeds may enable agriculture on marginal lands - A specialized silk covering could protect seeds from salinity while also providing fertilizer-generating microbes
April 12, 2019
Scientists going “cyber” on agriculture grows the tastiest basil ever (The Science Times)
March 28, 2019
SMART novel nanotube carriers may revolutionise gene-delivery in live plant
February 28, 2019
An easier way to engineer plants - MIT-led team uses nanoparticles to deliver genes into plant chloroplasts
February 25, 2019
An easier way to engineer plants - MIT-led team uses nanoparticles to deliver genes into plant chloroplasts
December 5, 2018
Elowan: A plant-robot hybrid, a plant in direct dialogue with a machine
December 13, 2017
Engineers create plants that glow - Illumination from nanobionic plants might one day replace some electrical lighting
October 18, 2017
DuPont Pioneer and Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard join forces to enable democratic access to CRISPR licensing in agriculture
October 11, 2017
Finding the root cause of plant resilience
October 4, 2017
On the road to making cereals that consume nitrogen from air Hacia la elaboración de cereales capaces de consumir el nitrógeno del aire
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