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November 9, 2015
Australian fresh bean exports reach record highs
November 6, 2015
Toutatis Damtec de Bayer CropScience : innovation pour optimiser la protection des cultures de pommes de terre et de protéagineux
September 4, 2015
United Kingdom - Pea and bean harvest results look promising, while quality remains key
August 31, 2015
Transgene Bohne bald in Brasilien im Anbau - Resistent gegen das Golden Mosaic Virus
August 21, 2015
Further success for HM.CLAUSE Open Days in Jordan - 3rd international Open Days held in Amman
August 16, 2015
Madagascar - Filière « haricot » : l'exportation a doublé en 2014 (News Mada)
August 12, 2015
ERECTA gene's identification and its drought adaptation with common bean
August 7, 2015
Los Mochis, Sinaloa, México - Inicia el Servicio Nacional de Inspección y Certificación de Semillas pruebas de germinación a la semilla de frijol (El Debate)
August 6, 2015
Obvius fungicide seed treatment from BASF receives full U.S. EPA registration - An innovative tool to help manage seedling diseases in pulse and podded vegetable crops available for 2016
July 22, 2015
Semillas Fitó renueva su catálogo de habas con variedades como Claro de Luna, Sofía y Fabiola (Interempresas)
Con nuevas variedades como "Claro de Luna", Semillas Fitó facilita que tengamos habitas frescas antes de navidad (Horto Info)
June 25, 2015
Vegetable trials test variety adaptability in containers (Greenhouse Grower)
Mejora genética de resistencia a enfermedades en judía común (Interempresas)
May 7, 2015
Novel supplement shown to increase yields in snap beans, soybeans
May 6, 2015
With Feed the Future support, grain legumes boost nutrition
May 1, 2015
Genetically modified beans: proteomics tells them apart (SpectroscopyNow)
April 23, 2015
Louisiana, USA - Root rots of green beans and lima beans can be a problem (
March 19, 2015
USA - Seven top-performing bean varieties (Growing Produce)
March 16, 2015
Italia - Indagine superfici sementi da orto, campagna 2014
March 10, 2015
New beans could transform Kenyan canning industry (SciDev.Net)
March 5, 2015
Brasil - Novo fungicida combate com eficácia doenças nas culturas de batata, tomate, feijão e amendoim (Cultivar)
February 26, 2015
U.S. Plant Variety Protection Office issues 181 certificates of protection on September 26, 2014
February 20, 2015
A través de Biovegen - Oferta tecnológica para nuevas variedades de tomate y judía (HortoInfo)
January 31, 2015
Global Vegetable Seed Industry Report 2014
January 13, 2015
HM.CLAUSE lance son nouveau site internet - Sous un même portail « », et pour la première fois, retrouvez les variétés potagères des deux marques commerciales Harris Moran et Clause et plus encore
December 11, 2014
USA - Syngenta Seeds' vegetable variety trials 2014 (Growing Produce)
Florida growers learn about latest crop innovations at Seminis field day
November 24, 2014
LS Plant Breeding varieties to the the new 2015 PGRO Recommended List for spring beans
November 22, 2014
United Kingdom - Processors & Growers Research Organisation (PGRO) announces 2015 recommended lists for combining peas, winter beans and spring beans
November 13, 2014
Processors & Growers Research Organisation (PGRO) achieves 'GLP' accreditation
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