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New AgriStrips for the detection of Impatiens necrotic spot virus (INSV) and Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV)

Gilroy, California, USA
June, 2011

Source: Eurofins STA Laboratories newsletter, June edtion

Impatiens necrotic spot virus (INSV) is widespread and devastating in the greenhouse industry. The virus infects predominantly ornamentals such as begonia, carnation, chrysanthemum, dahlia, geranium, gladiolus, Impatiens, narcissus, orchids, petunia, etc. INSV causes a wide variety of symptoms including wilting, stem death, stunting, foliar etches, ring spots, yellowing, sunken lesions, and poor flowering. Virus symptoms depend upon when the plant becomes infected, its age and physiological state when infected, growing conditions in the greenhouse and the strain of virus present.

Tomato spotted wilt virus occurs worldwide and has a wide host range with more than 800 different plant species reported to be susceptible to TSWV. The virus causes significant yield losses in a large number of economically important crops e.g. tomato, groundnut, lettuce, papaya, pea, potato, sweet pepper, tobacco and in many ornamental crops, including alstroemeria, begonia, chrysanthemum, cyclamen, dahlia, gerbera, gloxinia and impatiens. Disease symptoms range from chlorosis, mottling, stunting and wilting to severe necrosis of leaf, stem and fruit tissues.

Both viruses are transmitted by insect vectors (thrips) but can also readily be spread by mechanical means (plant training and other manipulation).

We are pleased to announce newly developed AgriStrip products for the specific detection of Impatiens necrotic spot virus (INSV) and Tomato spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV). These new rapid one-step assays are now available from BIOREBA and are an important extension to the already existing range of AgriStrip products (please visit: http://www.stalabs.com/products-services-bioreba-ag.html).

What is the advantage of using the new AgriStrip for the detection of INSV and TSWV?

  • fast assay, result within 5-15 minutes
  • optimal for single testing
  • easy handling
  • no need for special laboratory equipment, suitable when testing is required on-site (greenhouse, field)

For more detailed scientific information , please refer to the
- Product Information Sheet for AgriStrip Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) and
- Product Information Sheet for AgriStrip Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV).

If you would like to try the strips, please contact Judit Monis at juditmonis@eurofinsus.com

We have a limited number of strips available and will be pleased to do a demo in our Gilroy, California lab.

For questions regarding new catalogs, product improvements, product information or ordering please contact Donna Arguello at DonnaArguello@eurofinsus.com 

More solutions from: Eurofins STA Laboratories

Website: http://www.seedquest.com/id/s/STALabs.htm

Published: June 27, 2011

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