United Kingdom
May 28, 2013
2012 was reportedly the most difficult season for some 40 years, growers who opted to use REVUS last season were once again rewarded with excellent blight protection – as confirmed by its outright leading position on the EuroBlight table and strong performance in UK Eurofins trials, reports Syngenta Field Technical Manager, Stephen Williams.
The results through the canopy expansion growth stages, under high disease pressure, were especially important to ensure crops remained clean going into the canopy complete phase. Protecting expanding leaves as the crop grew was clearly key to a successful season-long programme and will be again for the coming season, whatever the blight pressure and weather conditions.
“Where intervals were stretched in the unprecedented wet and windy conditions last year, having the most active REVUS on the leaf at least gave plants the longest possible protection,” he advised. “That reliable protection gave growers confidence and flexibility.”
Mr Williams explained the performance comes from the redistribution of the active ingredient - mandipropamid, locked within the leaf surface wax, which moves as the leaf expands. The intrinsically strong nature of REVUS ensures that it provides a high level of protection between applications, even with significant new leaf growth.
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