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August 11, 2016
United Kingdom - PGRO launch molecular soil test for the brassica crop clubroot pathogen Plasmodiophora brassicae
July 5, 2016
Characteristics improving bean resistance to drought identified Identifiquen les característiques que milloren la resistència de les mongetes a la sequera Identifican las características que mejoran la resistencia de las judías y fríjoles a la sequía
June 13, 2016
UFOP mit neu aufgelegten Praxisinformationen zu heimischen Körnerleguminosen
March 25, 2016
Science meets farming to reveal Africa’s best bean (SciDev/Net)
March 18, 2016
Instituto Agronômico de Campinas e Embrapa negociam tecnologia que combate vírus do mosaico dourado do feijoeiro
January 26, 2016
Researching root rot control in peas - Evaluating the benefits of seed treatments, soil amendments and soil tests (Grainews)
January 17, 2016
Investigadores de la Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas desarrollan tecnología para proteger granos (Terra)
January 15, 2016
México - Desarrolla Universidad Autonoma de Tamaulipas biotecnología que protege cultivos de maíz y frijol (Hoy Tamaulipas)
January 7, 2016
Kaolin effectively controls whitefly in beans (Science Daily)
January 6, 2016
Syngenta Canada launches Apron Maxx with Intego co-pack targeting aphanomyces root rot in pulses
November 6, 2015
Toutatis Damtec de Bayer CropScience : innovation pour optimiser la protection des cultures de pommes de terre et de protéagineux
October 14, 2015
Plantas modificadas genéticamente para luchar contra la desnutrición
August 31, 2015
Transgene Bohne bald in Brasilien im Anbau - Resistent gegen das Golden Mosaic Virus
August 12, 2015
ERECTA gene's identification and its drought adaptation with common bean
July 15, 2015
Canadian growers can reap the benefits of a faster harvest and cleaner field with HEAT LQ - Pre-harvest herbicide from BASF is recommended for field peas, soybeans, dry beans, sunflowers and canola
March 19, 2015
Inoculant: Finding the right formulation - Liquid, peat or granular? Choose the best one for your fields (Grainews)
March 5, 2015
Brasil - Novo fungicida combate com eficácia doenças nas culturas de batata, tomate, feijão e amendoim (Cultivar)
February 20, 2015
Koppert’s best selling Trianum-P and Trianum-G authorized in the USA
February 15, 2015
North Dakota Certified Seed - 2015 Seed Guide (North Dakota State Seed Department)
December 19, 2014
Experiments with rhizobial inoculants in Hungarian soils (Zentralblatt für Mikrobiologie) Experimente mit Rhizobium Impfstoff aus ungarischen Böden
December 10, 2014
Paraguay - Recuerdan recomendaciones para mitigar daños de la Helicoverpa armiguera
November 28, 2014
Early planting and hand sorting effectively controls seed-borne fungi in farm-retained bean seed (South African Journal of Science)
October 28, 2014
Manejo preventivo para produzir feijão com qualidade
September 25, 2014
Brasil - Orthene, da Arysta, recebe autorização para aplicação aérea (Cultivar)
August 13, 2014
Tecnologia de coinoculação: rizóbios e Azospirillum em soja e feijoeiro
July 30, 2014
Canada - BASF supports the use of Heat herbicide as a pre-harvest application for the 2014 season - Import tolerances now established for field peas, dry beans, sunflowers and soybeans
June 16, 2014
Marker-assisted selection to improve drought resistance in common bean (Crop Science)
June 13, 2014
North Dakota State University research leads to better bean-breeding strategies
June 9, 2014
Bean genome sequencing yields uncommon findings
More than just a hill of beans: Phaseolus genome lends insights into nitrogen fixation
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