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May 2, 2024

Weltweite Produktion von Sorghumhirse steigt

April 26, 2024

2023/24 U.S. sorghum crop graded at No. 1 certification for fifth year in a row

March 29, 2024

Développement du sorgho biogaz en Pologne

October 31, 2023

Deutschland - Anbaufläche Sorghum mit deutlichem Rückgang

June 28, 2023

Globaler Sorghumanbau leicht rückläufig

March 30, 2023

2022/23 Sorghum Quality Report released By U.S. Grains Council

March 8, 2023

Internationales Jahr der Hirse: Sorghum weltweit von Bedeutung

October 19, 2022

Lidéa Semences = Des surfaces en sorgho prévues à la hausse pour 2023 (Circuits Culture)

August 31, 2022

Australia - Demand for sorghum seed pressures supply (Grain Central)

May 24, 2022

Sorghumanbau in Europa und der Welt

March 28, 2022

Sorghum cooperation to enter China-Pakistan Economic Corridor - Multi-purpose crop can contribute to Pakistan’s food security (The Tribune)

January 10, 2022

Lancement de la distribution de semences dans le sud de Madagascar (Actualités)

October 26, 2021

Strong global sorghum demand - Sorghum acres in the United States in 2021 increased approximately 24% from the previous year to near 7.3 million

August 19, 2021

USA - A growing demand: Sorghum acres up; markets expanding (La Junta Tribune Democrat)

May 26, 2021

Sorghumanbau in Europa

May 7, 2021

South Africa - Declining trend in sorghum production to continue

April 27, 2021

Argentina to almost double sorghum production to 3.5m mt: BCR (AgriCensus)

February 24, 2021

South Africa - Planted area for summer field crops at a 20 year high

June 15, 2020

South Africa's declining trend in sorghum production to continue

May 11, 2020

West Africa - 2020 forecast predicts a shortage of certified maize, sorghum, millet, cowpea, and groundnuts seeds (CORAF)

April 7, 2020

Hausse des surfaces de sorgho semence dans l’UE

February 12, 2020

Grain: world markets and trade

August 1, 2019

European Union 28 - July 2019 crop update

June 12, 2019

Le Sénégal satisfait totalement ses besoins en semences de qualité (Agence de Presse Africaine)

June 4, 2019

The South African sorghum market

January 30, 2019

Europa: Mehr Sorghum im Anbau

January 23, 2018

Egypt thanks the Indian state of Telangana for exporting quality sorghum and forage seed last year (The Hindu)

October 27, 2017

Sorghum auf Platz fünf der weltweiten Getreideproduktion

August 25, 2017

India - State of Telangana exported 17,000 quintals of seed to OECD countries (The Hindu)

July 27, 2017

USA - Sugarcane aphids reduce sorghum acres (Ag Professional)


Better Food Venture's
AgTech Landscape 2019



2019 THRIVE Top 50
landscape map


Concentration in Seed Markets - Potential Effects and Policy Responses

(OECD December 2018)

Visualizing Consolidation
in the Global Seed Industry

Seed Industry Structure

Phil Howard
Associate Professor
Michigan State University


2017 Seed Company Family Tree
Ccreated Septebmer 2017
by Robert Walsh
WaSoo Farm, Elk Point, South Dakota

Syngenta Brands Family Tree
Ccreated January 2017 by Robert Walsh, WaSoo Farm, Elk Point, South Dakota

World Vegetable Map 2018



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